Loth Spring

This Spring is located at the south bend of Arch Avenue near the back of  the Crompton Plant.  This spring was also noted for its minerals and “healing” qualities.  Water cress is visible along these banks today.  In this immediate area, the hikers of the Appalachian Trail find this a good camping spot.

Ford’s Hotel was built during the boom days of the 1890’s.  It was located where Grace Lutheran Church on Wayne Avenue now stands and was purchased by W. J. Loth, owner of the stove company, who changed the name to the New Brunswick Inn (later it became the Brunswick Inn).  The Brunswick Hotel Park and Springs became a famous resort area during the nineteenth century.  *The lake created by damming the spring flow had  a small island, complete with a gazebo which was connected to the mainland by a footbridge. It was a good spot for romance.  The area later became known as “Loth Springs.”


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